Stealth Inc: The Lost Clones DLC out now for PS3 and Vita

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Stealth Inc: The Lost Clones DLC out now for PS3 and Vita

Postby keithlewis » Wed Dec 04, 2013 5:26 pm

Stealth Inc: The Lost Clones DLC out now for PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 3

The second DLC expansion for Curve Studio’s puzzle-platformer Stealth Inc is out now on the PlayStation Store in Europe and America, priced at £2.99 / $3.99. That’s less than the price of a coffee here in London, and The Lost Clones is scientifically proven to be more satisfying and less bad for you than caffeine.

The Lost Clones focuses on the sordid and brutal history of the Stealth Inc universe, sending intrepid clones to discover the fate of the other clones destined to run the facilities gauntlet of platforming, puzzles and traps designed from the ground up to confound you, kill you and generally make you cry tears of frustrated joy onto your Vita and/or PS3 controller.

The Lost Clones introduces another 20 brand new levels to the game. Clones with a penchant for mathematics might be able to work out that represents another 25% of Stealthy content for you to enjoy, and that’s before we’ve even told you about the six brand new achievements, and the fact you can play all the levels with each piece of equipment from the main game.

Sam Robinson, Lead Designer on The Lost Clones commented: “The two new worlds we’ve created for The Lost Clones map pack are probably the most devious levels we’ve ever created. They were great fun to create and we’re especially proud of the surprises, humour and scale of the secret areas that are hidden around these levels!”

The DLC follows the Teleporter Chambers DLC released earlier this year, and is only available on the PlayStation 3 and Vita. The DLC has also been released alongside a patch for the PlayStation versions fixing a variety of problems including a leaderboard exploit, making this the absolutely ideal time to pick up Stealth Inc if you haven’t done so already.

The Lost Clones is a Cross Buy and Cross Save title, so providing you’ve already picked up the original game you can play the new levels on whatever system you happen to be holding in your clammy palms.

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