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New Mario Kart Wii screenshots

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:51 pm
by PrototypeMike








Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 6:41 pm
by EnderWiggin
3rd picture from the bottom:

is that a scan yourself into the game kinda feature?
or a build your own look?

and for you - is there anything about this MK you particularly enjoy?

i for one, totally <3'd MK double dash for the gamecube, because you get the unique teamplay mode with P1 & P2 in the same car, switching driving & items...

plus you get more freedom with item use when you have your own two people in your car, you can switch back & forth, hold on to items til the end of the race, etc. ...and there are badass courses, especially wario stadium & the mini course... and tons of shortcuts & stuff.

dammit, now i want to play mario kart and i can't for like 7 hours. argh!

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :x :x :x :evil: :evil: :evil: :!:

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 8:02 pm
by PrototypeMike
Endor, That 3rd picture from the bottom is a "Mii" Charictor. You guessed it with "or a build your own look?"... IN the 'dashboard' of the Wii you create your "Mii" charictor which is used for all the Wii sports games.. Bowlig, Boxing, Tennis, Baseball, Ect... And I am too a huge mario kart fan... Never played the Game Cube versions though... Just SNES and N64.. The only game I ever really played for the CUBE was SSXTricky and Bond...

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:36 pm
by EnderWiggin
double dash for gamecube is DEFINITELY worth buying, one of my FAVORITE MKs ever...

but if you have a DS they have a MK available with a sampling of tracks from MKs on different systems over the years, and they list which it's from in the game... i forget exactly what's from where, but it's got another fun track from GameCube (the desert one), and i believe the rainbow road from the 64, and other "best ofs" from those systems & Super.

& since you can play with controller keys (which is what i do for MK on DS) or the stick (also fun, but def less precise), once you master the courses one way you can still be challenged by the other.

<3 MarioKart!!