If New UFC Game Sucks, Quinton Jackson Will Kill A Developer
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:20 am
THQ and Yuke's, most famous for their wrestling game collaborations, are bringing the fight to your house with UFC 2009 Undisputed. The game will be on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 and some of the UFC's greatest got their hands on the game at a recent press junket.
Quinton "Rampage" Jackson told reporters he wants to "praise God" for being in a game. Apparently he's not kidding, as his trainer said Jackson is gaming whenever he isn't training. He blew quickly through Grand Theft Auto IV with a pretty high completion rating from what we hear. Jackson said a college roommate estimates the UFC star spent 14 hours a day gaming.
UFC and THQ are excited about the potential sales prospects of a well-done game. Games and Ultimate Fighting appeal to the same young male demographic, so this could be a long-term franchise for THQ. They've developed their own engine just for this game, hopefully ending any worries that they would just slap UFC designs into the Smackdown vs Raw game and call it a day.
Besides which, if this game is bad Jackson will find the designers and make them tapout.