rewards players for killing their teammates???
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 6:18 pm
As if the Online gamming community doesent suffer enough from immature and childish fags.... It seems that those guys over at Touchstone has really pissed off the community after anouncing the Achievments for its upcoming tittle *Turok. One achievment known as "Grab Bag", in order to achieve requires gamers to Kill one enemy, Kill one creature, Kill yourself and ONE TEAMATE in a single online match... This is a pretty serious issue... They are almost promoting what we all hate running into online... Now they are claiming they are going to release a patch (fix, Basically remove the teamate part of the achievment ) the day the store hits shelves... so it is likely that this patch will be applied the first time you put the game in to your console... But either way... Why the F*^% would they make that an acheivment in the first place??
REf Article ... h-wil.html
REf Article ... h-wil.html