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SENGOKU II: **Live Results**

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 11:13 pm
by NWOWolfpack

May 18 from the Ariake Colosseum in Tokyo

**LIVE Results are underway**


JOSH BARNETT vs JEFF MONSON via unanimous decision.

Round 1:

Barnett starts with a low kick, and another, now both fighters exchange strikes in the middle of the ring. More low kicks from Barnett, Monson trying to find his range for strikes. More of the same as both fighters position for an advantage in the center of the ring, clinching now and Barnett lands a couple of knees. Another exchange and Barnett lands a powerful low-kick and Monson counters with a right hook.

Round 2:

Barnett pushing the action with kicks, now Monson pushes Barnett into the corner and gets a single leg takedown. Monson in Barnett's full guard and he passes to half, lands some punches to Barnett's back. Back in half guard, Monson looking for a choke and moves to side control. Barnett escapes, stands up and lands a few strikes and takes Monson down. North-South now for Barnett and he lands a knee that turns Monson on his back. Barnett from the half-guard, Monson escapes and they are standing exchanging strikes...knees from Barnett and jabs from Monson. The round ends as Barnett gets another takedown.

Round 3:

Barnett pushing the action with kicks, now Monson pushes Barnett into the corner and gets a single leg takedown. Monson in Barnett's full guard and he passes to half, lands some punches to Barnett's back. Back in half guard, Monson looking for a choke and moves to side control. Barnett escapes, stands up and lands a few strikes and takes Monson down. North-South now for Barnett and he lands a knee that turns Monson on his back. Barnett from the half-guard, Monson escapes and they are standing exchanging strikes...knees from Barnett and jabs from Monson. The round ends as Barnett gets another takedown.

YUKI KONDO vs ROGER GRACIE via submission-RNC Round 1.

Round 1:

Gracie goes straight for the clinch and has Kondo against the ropes in the corner, now with the takedown and Gracie works from half to side control. Full mount now for Gracie, some GNP and Kondo rolls to his stomach, RNC set in by Gracie and the fight is over.

RYO KAWAMURA vs KEVIN RANDLEMAN via unanimous decision.

Round 1:

In the middle of the ring, a right hook by Randleman and a takedown. Randleman in back control, looking for a slam, Kawamura defending. Kawamura looking for an armbar and Randleman puts him back down. Standing in the corner with back control, Randleman landing some punches, kneebar attept back on the ground by Kawamura. Randleman escapes and back standing, both fighters looking for an opening and the round ends.

Round 2:

Randleman goes for the clinch against the ropes, in the corner standing now. Back to the middle and Kawamura lands a couple of leg kicks, not much from either fighter and the ref steps in and gives warnings. Randleman goes for and gets the takedown, Kawamura stands in the corner and escapes. Randleman lands a right and gets another takedown, once again Kawamura stands and they are back in the center of the ring exchanging strikes. The round ends with both fighters landing right hooks.

Round 3:

Exchanging strikes again in the center of the ring, Randleman pushes Kawamura into the corner and lands a few knees. Back control standing and Kawamura goes for another armbar. Kawamura charges and Randleman gets a takedown with a guillotine in place. Kawamura escapes but is still down with Randleman on top, both fighters back up again and Kawamura lands a right kick. Randleman with a right jab and puts Kawamura back in the corner, Kawamura escapes and lands several strikes to end the round.

**During intermission Misaki, Gomi and other fighters are announced for future events**

Live Results:


YUKI SASAKI vs JORGE SANTIAGO via submission-armbar Round 3.

EIJI MITSUOKA vs KWANG HEE LEE via submission-RNC with less than a minute left in Round 1.

MIKE PYLE vs DAN HORNBUCKLE via submission-triangle choke with 10 secs. left in Round 1.

SATORU KITAOKA vs IAN SCHAFFA via submission-guillotine choke Round 1.


Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:25 pm
by keithlewis
Very excited to see these fights!

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 9:20 pm
by broncofan
Hopefully we can see these fights, that sucked last time. Barnett v Monson makes no sense though.

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 5:26 pm
by keithlewis

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 9:54 am
by NWOWolfpack

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 10:34 am
by TheBrokenVow
I dunno... other than Roger, Santiago, and of course Barnett each fighting I don't have too much interest in this card.

I'll probably skip it live.

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 7:22 pm
by broncofan
Skip? Not a chance.

Barnett is going to use breakdancing! :lol:

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:00 am
by tuco
10 min till start