**UFC 93 Live Results & Play-by-Play**

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**UFC 93 Live Results & Play-by-Play**

Postby TheBrokenVow » Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:34 pm


Stay tuned to PunchDrunkGamer.com for live preliminary results and play-by-play of the main card!

UFC 93 Coverage by PDG

PDG's UFC 93 Preview

UFC 93 Weigh-In Results


Main Card

Dan Henderson def. Rich Franklin - Decision (split) - R3, 5:00 (earns spot as coach on the next season of The Ultimate Fighter opposite Michael Bisping)
Mauricio “Shogun” Rua def. Mark Coleman - TKO (strikes) - R3, 4:36
Rousimar Palhares def. Jeremy Horn - Unanimous Decision
Alan Belcher def. Denis Kang - Submission (guillotine choke) - R2, 4:36
Marcus Davis def. Chris Lytle - Decision (split) - R3, 5:00

Preliminary Card

John Hathaway def. Tom Egan - TKO (strikes) - R1, 4:36
Martin Kampmann def. Alexandre Barros - TKO (strikes) - R2, 3:09
Eric Schafer def. Antonio Mendes - TKO (strikes) - R1, 3:35
Thomasz Drwal def. Ivan Serati - KO (strikes) - R1, 2:02
Denis Siver def. Nate Mohr - TKO (strikes) - R3, 3:27

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Re: **UFC 93 Live Results & Play-by-Play**

Postby TheBrokenVow » Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:35 pm

PDG's Live Results & PBP
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Marcus Davis vs. Chris Lytle
Round 1

Lytle opens with a big right hand and almost drops Davis along the fence, but Davis regains his composure. The crowd repeatedly sings for Davis. Lytle works kicks and the two tie up, trading body punches. Davis lands a kick to the body, but Lytle returns with a punch to the body. As Lytle rushes in Davis lands a big counter punch. The two keep working their range and counters, successfully defending but still able to sneak some shots in. Davis catches a body kick and forces Lytle to the mat, but allows him to stand back up. Lytle lands a body kick as Davis lands a punch to the head. Lytle lands a hook to the jaw and staggers Davis briefly. During an exchange Lytle ends up on his back, but gets up to his feet quickly. Davis lands a big knee to the head, then a body kick. The two tie up again and trade punches. Lytle swings for the fences, but misses. Davis works strikes with about ten seconds remaining, but as the bell sounds Lytle returns with his own flurry.
PDG scores round one 10-9 for Davis

Round 2
Lytle comes out the aggressor and lands a big shot, hurting Davis. Lytle tries to finish, but Davis runs away. As they re-engage Davis lands a big shot, dropping Lytle. Lytle stands back up and takes a big knee and punch. Both fighters once again exchange with dirty boxing. Lytle throws hard along the fence but can't find his mark. Davis creates distance with a body kick, then lands a superman punch. Davis enters close with a knee, then lands a close elbow. Davis continues landing body kicks and Lytle's midsection is red. Lytle charges with power shots, missing most but landing one. In close Davis counters with two punches after a glancing shot. Lytle continues as the aggressor with wild shots, but Davis counters with straights. The pace slows down a bit, but both keep exchanging big blows. During a Lytle kick, Davis lands a big counter punch. Davis keeps looking for big knees. Lytle forces Davis into the fence with a body shot and the two work dirty boxing. Davis leads with an elbow up the middle in the center of the ring, catching Lytle's face. Both exchange through the final ten seconds. Lytle appears more tired than Davis.
PDG scores round two 10-9 for Davis

Round 3
The two touch gloves and hug at the start of round three. Davis opens with a kick, while Lytle lands a punch to the body. Lytle lands his own body kick as each tries to find their range with haymakers. Davis scores with another body kick. Round three is much of the same as rounds one and two as Lytle presses forward, Davis counters, and each trade kicks and power punches. Davis continues avoiding Lytle's punches and lands a body shot. Lytle appears somewhat tired, but shows no signs of slowing down. Davis' cleaner technique is allowing him to land more shots as Lytle looks for power shots. Lytle lands a big body punch and checks a leg kick. Lytle draws Davis into a brawl, but Davis seems to have landed more effective strikes. Davis keeps working kicks and knees to Lytle's body while the crowd continues to sing. Lytle gets hit by a knee with ten seconds remaining and slips. The two exchange shots as the bell sounds.
PDG scores round three 10-9 for Davis, and the fight 30-27 for Davis
The judges award Marcus Davis a split decision victory, two scoring the fight 29-28 for Davis, and one scoring it in Lytle's favor 29-28

Alan Belcher vs. Denis Kang
Round 1

Alan Belcher approaches Kang with his hands at his hips. Kang lands a couple big shots, but Belcher lands a couple of his own. Belcher brings his hands up high and Kang shoots in, bringing Belcher to his back. Kang passes to half-guard. Belcher looked like he wanted to work a sweep but Kang passes. After a brief transition Kang moves to side control and begins landing punches. Belcher recovers guard and pushes Kang back, standing to his feet. Kang lands a big left to the body followed by a right hook to the chin. Belcher's corner tells him to keep his hands up, but he doesn't and eats another shot. Belcher lands a strike of his own, but Kang scores another takedown. Belcher holds Kang tight. Kang stands over Belcher and eats an upkick while trying to land his own strikes. Kang catches Belcher in an anaconda choke and tries a gator roll, but Belcher escapes. Kang ends up in Belcher's half-guard and looks for a kimura, but is unable to finish. Kang advances to side control. Kang finishes the round with elbows to the face and knees to the body.
PDG scores round one 10-9 for Kang

Round 2
Belcher starts round two with his hands low. Kang tries to land strikes but eats two from Belcher. Belcher clinches along the fence with Kang. Kang tries to work a trip but ends up pressing Belcher against the cage. Belcher lands a body kick as they separate. Kang lands a combination. Kang fakes a strike and brings Belcher back to the mat, landing in full guard. Belcher opens his guard and Kang throws punches. Belcher gets Kang in his butterfly guard and looks for a sweep. Kang gets to half-guard and Belcher looks for another sweep. Kang looks for another anaconda choke, then just ties up Belcher as he tries to advance to side control. Kang stands up and tries to punch and pass on his way back down, but Belcher achieves full guard. Referee Dan Miragliotta stands the two up and Belcher lands a kick. Belcher throws a big kick but catches air. Kang is mindful of his range and looks for an opening. Kang shoots and Belcher sprawls, pulling guard and catching Kang in a guillotine choke. Kang is forced to tap almost immediately at 4:36.

Jeremy Horn vs. Rousimar Palhares
Round 1

Horn looks for his range and appears wary of a takedown. Palhares throws a big right and ties up with Horn, tripping him to the mat. In less than a minute Palhares is already on Horn's back with one hook in. Palhares pounds away on Horn's head. Horn rolls to his back but gives up side control. Horn rolls to turtle and Palhares throws more punches. Horn gets to his back and gets Palhares in full guard. Horn appears content to control Palhares in guard. Palhares drops back looking for a leg lock, but gets back on top of Horn. Horn looks for a triangle but isn't very close to locking it in. Horn gets back to his feet along the cage but is brought down, with Palhares in his half-guard. Horn tries a back door escape and Palhares jumps on his back. Palhares lands bombs and the ref warns he is about to stop the fight. Horn scrambles and Palhares sits on him, then spins into half-guard. Palhares looks to pass but transitions into a kneebar. Palhares lands some punches to Horn's face then sits on Horn. Palhares spins and gets on Horn, who is turtling. Palhares locks in the hooks and continues punching.
PDG scores round one 10-8 for Palhares

Round 2
Horn lands a leg kick but eats a right hand. Palhares looks for a single then lifts and slams Horn. Palhares tries to move to mount and grabs the cage to keep balance. The ref warns not to grab it anymore or he is taking a point. Horn turtles and Palhares climbs on, landing punches. The ref warns Horn that he's close to stopping it and Horn says he is fine. Horn tries to stand but is brought back to the turtle position. Horn finally ends up in top position and is in Palhares' half-guard. Horn takes mount and looks for an arm-triangle choke. Palhares breaks free from the submission. Palhares tries to buck Horn off and follows up with a successful sweep. Both fighters return to their feet. Palhares throws a spinning back kick, then a combination, but appears tired. Horn works his jab and looks for his range, but is unable to land anything. Palhares throws a head kick and shoots. Horn defends the takedown and lands a punch and kick. Palhares ducks a head kick and scores a takedown, landing in Horn's guard. Horn looks for a triangle, but Palhares escapes easily. Palhares ends up in half-guard, smothering Horn.
PDG scores round two 10-9 for Palhares

Round 3
The two clinch with Palhares taking Horn's back. Palhares suplexes Horn and takes top position. Horn looks for a sweep but Palhares spins and takes top position as Horn turtles once again. Horn gets back to his feet but is taken down once again. Horn lands an elbow from the bottom and secures his closed guard. The crowd lets out some boo's as Palhares is content to lie in Horn's guard. Horn turtles and Palhares gets on him again. Horn stands along the fence and is taken down again, with Palhares in his guard. Palhares blankets Horn. The ref says to work or he is standing them up and Palhares lands two elbows. The ref stands them up and Palhares helps Horn up as a show of respect. One minute remains, but Horn isn't throwing much. Horn lands a head kick around thirty seconds. Palhares fakes a takedown and Horn over commits the sprawl. Palhares is able to take top position and the fight ends.
PDG scores round three 10-9 for Palhares, and the fight 30-26 for Palhares
The judges award Rousimar Palhares a unanimous decision victory, all scoring the fight 30-27

Mark Coleman vs. Mauricio Rua
Round 1

Shogun lands a leg kick and knee as Coleman works a takedown along the fence. Shogun looks for a kimura but is forced to turtle and roll as Coleman lands punches. Shogun stands along the fence and Coleman works a single leg. Shogun rolls to his back, then rolls looking for a kneebar. Coleman is able to escape and is pressed against the fence. Shogun lands a big punch and a knee before he's taken down. Coleman tries to pass but is threatened with a triangle. Shogun grabs an ankle and when Coleman spins away. Shogun wraps up Coleman's legs and puts the wrestler on his back. Shogun moves to side mount. Shogun lands a knee to the body then an elbow to the head. Shogun goes to knee on belly then stands, landing a body kick. Shogun lands a pair of leg kicks, but Coleman answers with a left hook. Coleman looks gassed and Shogun lands Muay Thai knees from the clinch. Coleman turtles as he looks for a takedown but Shogun moves to his back. Coleman then takes top position before Shogun stands and backs up. Shogun lands a punch and drops Coleman. Coleman is gassed and hurt, holding Shogun's ankle. Shogun defends and lands a body kick and punches to the head. Shogun ends round one with knees and a leg kick.
PDG scores round one 10-9 for Rua

Round 2
In between rounds Phil Baroni tried to pump up Coleman, who appears beaten and gassed. Shogun tries a knee form the clinch but misses. Shogun lands a leg kick and body kick. Coleman tries to land power shots, but can't find any effective strikes, as Shogun lands big punches. Coleman scores a takedown near the fence and is in Shogun's half-guard. Shogun slips out to his feet and defends a lazy punch. Coleman ducks under a punch but then is taken down by Shogun. Coleman reverses the takedown and clinches against the fence. In the Muay Thai clinch Shogun lands a leg kick and an elbow before separating. Coleman lands an uppercut. Shogun lands three hard punches, stumbling Coleman. Shogun clinches and lands a couple knees before backing out. Shogun lands a big body kick and a stiff jab. In a clinch Shogun lands knees to the thigh. Shogun is slowing down and looking for that one big shot. Shogun works knees form the Thai clinch but is taken down by Coleman. Shogun escapes back to his feet and trades jabs, then follows up with more punches. Coleman scores a takedown and Shogun works an omoplata. Coleman defends the submission but Shogun is landing punches as the round ends.
PDG scores round two 10-9 for Rua

Round 3
Both fighters come out in round three gassed. Coleman lands a stiff jab. Shogun comes forward hard with a punch and knees. Coleman lands a jab then looks for a takedown. Coleman scores a takedown. Coleman looks for ground and pound and moves to half-guard. Coleman lands a couple elbows and body shots. Shogun tries to sweep Coleman towards the fence then looks for a heel hook. Coleman sits on Shogun and is repeatedly warned about grabbing the fence. Coleman escapes and holds on to Shogun's back. Shogun tries to roll to guard, then turtles. Coleman lands punches and continues to control. Shogun rolls for a kneebar but isn't close. Shogun gets back to his feet and lands a knee to Coleman's body, but is warned about an illegal knee while Coleman is down. Both fighters are exhausted but Shogun lands more strikes. Punches from Shogun stagger Coleman, who is dropped and the referee steps in to call a TKO stoppage with little time remaining. Coleman argues the stoppage. The official time is 4:36.

Rich Franklin vs. Dan Henderson
Round 1

After a feel out period Franklin throws a body kick but eats a big punch. In a rush Henderson ends up on top on the mat in half-guard. Franklin shrimps and looks like he wants to grab a kneebar, but Henderson rains down power shots. Franklin tries to get up but is forced to turtle as Henderson keeps pressure. Franklin finally stands and escapes Henderson's grasp. Franklin throws a kick, but it's blocked. Franklin lands a body kick and backs out of Henderson's range, avoiding a right. In close Henderson throws uppercuts. Franklin continues throwing body kicks. Franklin lands a big body kick and a big left punch. Henderson moves in close and lands with a right. Henderson misses a leg kick and eats two body kicks. Franklin clinches with Henderson and tries for a takedown, but backs out with a body kick. Franklin rushes in with punches but eats a right from Henderson as the round ends.
PDG scores round one 10-9 for Franklin

Round 2
Henderson throws big hooks but can't find his range. Henderson kicks his way in and throws punches, but can't land anything substantial. Franklin threatens with a body kick but is blocked. Henderson tries to clinch but eats a knee and a left punch. Franklin defends from the clinch and backs away. Henderson narrowly misses a big right punch. Franklin lands a knee to the body as Henderson closes, but takes a punch for his troubles. Franklin's forehead is bleeding from an accidental headbutt in round one, but it doesn't appear to be a problem. Henderson clinches along the fence and scores a takedown. Franklin has Henderson in his open guard and is controlling Henderson's arm and posture. Franklin pushes his foot into the fence in an attempt to roll into an armbar, but gives up. Henderson lands a couple punches and moves to half-guard, keeping Franklin on the mat. Henderson lands elbows to Franklin's forehead then throws strikes to the body. Franklin regains full guard. Franklin's shin appears to be cut open. Henderson begins landing big shots on the mat as the ten second warning sounds.
PDG scores round two 10-9 for Henderson

Round 3
Both fighters exchange punches and kicks to start off round three. Franklin lands cleaner strikes and Henderson looks for a takedown. Franklin defends and comes forward with strikes then is taken down. Henderson is in Franklin's guard and pushes him against the fence. Franklin is trying to set up a triangle, but eats some punches. Franklin scrambles and is on top of Henderson, although his leg is tied up. Henderson gets back to his feet and eats a knee to the body along the fence. Franklin presses Henderson into the fence and lands knees. Franklin lands a punch as he backs out from the clinch. Henderson is tired and looks to counter. Franklin keeps throwing body kicks and ties up with Henderson along the fence. Both fighters fight for underhooks. Both fighters separate with just over a minute remaining. Franklin picks up the pace with body kicks and punches. Henderson misses a kick and slips to the mat, but gets back to his feet. Franklin throws a jab and is inadvertently poked in the eye, falling to the mat in pain. Referee Dan Miragliotta calls for a timeout. Franklin is told he doesn't get five minutes like with a groin strike then is given two minutes to rest. Franklin is as prepared as he can be at the end of the time and they pick back up where they left off with about thirty seconds remaining. Henderson looks to land a big right hook, but misses. Franklin moves forwards and they trade punches as time expires.
PDG scores round three 10-9 for Franklin, and the fight 29-28 for Franklin
The judges award Dan Henderson a split decision victory, two scoring the fight 29-28 for Henderson and one scoring it 30-27 for Franklin

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Re: **UFC 93 Live Results & Play-by-Play**

Postby NWOWolfpack » Sat Jan 17, 2009 11:23 am

Should be some great fights............... 8)
What do you expect? The comedian is dead.


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Re: **UFC 93 Live Results & Play-by-Play**

Postby NWOWolfpack » Sat Jan 17, 2009 11:44 am

From: Elvis Sinosic
Sent: Sat 1/17/09 4:51 AM

Franklin vs Henderson is a very interesting matchup. It’s two 185lbers fighting at 205lbs. Both have fought at the Heavier division, with Dan previously having more success. Both ex-champions at Middleweight but Dan also having heald a title at LHW. Both heavy hitters, with Franklin having the more finesse. Dan has the better wrestling. I think Franklin has the better submissions but I don’t think this will factor into the fight. Most have Henderson as the favourite, but I think if Franklin can lure Henderson in a stand up fight (and I think he can), Franklin will be able to steal the show. Dan’s best chance will be to take Franklin down and pound him out, but I’m not sure he will. IMO Franklin will come out in this match up.
What do you expect? The comedian is dead.


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Re: **UFC 93 Live Results & Play-by-Play**

Postby broncofan » Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:02 pm

Good win for Eric the RED

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Re: **UFC 93 Live Results & Play-by-Play**

Postby broncofan » Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:44 pm

might as well start drinking some beers!

http://www.pugorama.com/Cool-Ways-To-Op ... eo999.html

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Re: **UFC 93 Live Results & Play-by-Play**

Postby NWOWolfpack » Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:01 pm

Its go time........................................ 8)
What do you expect? The comedian is dead.


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Re: **UFC 93 Live Results & Play-by-Play**

Postby NWOWolfpack » Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:21 pm

great 1st round.................and those UK (Justin) fans are going nuts! :D
What do you expect? The comedian is dead.


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