Pre-Order Bonuses for Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate

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Pre-Order Bonuses for Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate

Postby keithlewis » Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:59 pm

Tecmo Koei Europe Announces Pre-Order Bonuses for Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate

Tecmo Koei Europe has announced three exclusive pre-order bonus packs for upcoming fighting title DEAD OR ALIVE 5 ULTIMATE, set for release this September on the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system and Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft.

To celebrate this Ultimate instalment of the fan-favourite title, Game will offer fans who pre-order the game a colourful pack with costumes for Kokoro, Leifang, Hitomi and Mila.

Additionally, Fighters who pre-order from Amazon, will receive two costumes for the fierce and beautiful ninjas Kasumi and Ayane, while a third pack with six sexy costumes for Christie, Helena, Tina, Lisa and new comers Momiji and Rachel will be available to independent retailers through CentreSoft Group.

DEAD OR ALIVE 5 ULTIMATE is the best 3D fighting experience to date, where novice and expert fighters alike can improve on their skills with the tutorial or the “Move Details Plus” modes before they join the online fight against fighters from all over the world.

Boasting realistic and sensual graphics and a dream line up of fighters, both returning and new to the franchise, as well as a great number of breath-taking, dynamic and interactive stages DEAD OR ALIVE 5 ULTIMATE delivers an enhanced experience for new and returning fans!

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