Rise of the Argonauts

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Rise of the Argonauts

Postby NWOWolfpack » Wed May 07, 2008 4:04 pm

Rise of the Argonauts

The mythology of the ancient world is a rich source of fantastic stories, and a fantastic story is a great start for a role-playing game. The story of Jason and the golden fleece is the basis of Rise of the Argonauts, the upcoming action RPG from Codemasters and Liquid Entertainment. The game will retell this classic tale with heavy-duty action game elements and an emphasis on storytelling and choices with consequences.

In Rise of the Argonauts, you play as the young Jason, the Greek king, who has just discovered that his darling wife, Alcmene, has been assassinated. In the early part of the game, you pursue the assassin and eventually exact revenge, but revenge does nothing to restore yourfallen bride. Jason, in classic dramatic fashion, resolves to seek out the golden fleece, the wondrous artifact said to have the ability to resurrect the dead. Over the course of the game, Jason will recruit the legendary battalion known as the Argonauts, consisting of such mythological luminaries as the mighty Hercules, the swift Atalanta, the invulnerable Achilles, and the satyr Pan. Jason's crew will be stationed on the Argo, the gigantic ship crafted for his journey, which will serve as his base of operations as well as a home for his teammates, who can be swapped out on the fly. At any one time, Jason can bring two active companions into battle.




What do you expect? The comedian is dead.


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GamePro 55
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Postby GamePro 55 » Fri May 09, 2008 12:25 pm

Alot of RPG fantasy games being released but this one doesn't look to good.
All Noobs must hang!!


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