
Affliction - DOR Weigh-In Results!
**LIVE Results & Play-by-Play!!**
WAMMA HW Title Fight:
Fedor Emelianenko vs. Andrei Arlovski via TKO - Strikes RD. 1 (3:14)
Round 1:
Low kick by AA and he lands a right hook. AA with more low leg kicks, Fedor lands a right and moves AA to the ropes, both fighters clinch looking to get a takedown. Fedor landing some strikes from the clinch and the ref moves them back to the center of the ring. Right hook by AA, and another followed by a front kick. Fedor respondes with a big right hook and AA is out cold on his stomach. The fight is over.........
Josh Barnett vs. Gilbert Yvel via TKO - Tapout Due to Strikes RD. 3 (3:05)
Round 1:
Barnett opens with a left jab, low leg kick by Yvel, Barnett catches a kick and gets the takedown. Barnett works from half guard, GNP by Barnett, Yvel fends off a kimura attempt by Barnett. Barnett with the armbar try but Yvel gets his arm out but eats more GNP from Barnett. Barnett transitions from from half to side, back to half guard. Barnett gets the full mount and starts with the GNP, Barnett lands like 40 punches/elbows from the mount and Yvel is able to get back up as the round ends.
Round 2:
Yvel opens with a big right hook but Barnett takes him down again and is in side control. Barnett looking for subs from side control, full mount again for Barnett. GNP by Barnett as Yvel attempts to roll, Barnett in control again with full mount, elbow after elbow by Barnett, Yvel continues to throw strikes from his back. Both fighters exchanging strong punches with Yvel still on his back. Yvel switches and and lands a big left hand from Barnett's guard.
Round 3:
Barnett shoots and eats a combo from Yvel but gets the takedown and mounts Yvel again. Elbows from Barnett and Yvel is taking some punishment but is not quiting. More GNP from Barnett and Yvel finally taps due to strikes.
Vitor Belfort vs. Matt Lindland via TKO - Strikes RD. 1 (0:37)
Round 1:
Left hook by Belfort and Lindland drops.....Belfort follows up with GNP and the Lindland is out cold!
Renato “Babalu” Sobral vs. Thierry Sokoudjou via Submission - Anaconda Choke RD. 2 (2:36)
Round 1:
After a brief exchange by both fighters Sokoudjou blocks a takedown attempt by Babalu, they clinch against the ropes and exchange knees. Babalu gets the takedown after they exchange low kicks but the ref stands them up and Babalu tries a throw that is defended by Sokoudjou and Babalu pulls guard. GNP by Sokoudjou, he lands several elbows to Babalu's head but Babalu escapes and tries to get the takedown. Babalu still working the takedown from a clinch against the ropes. Knees by Babalu, the ref breaks them up and back to the center of the ring. Front kick by Babalu and the round ends.
Round 2:
Right uppercut by Sokoudjou and Babalu moves in with a combo, Babalu shoots and gets the double leg takedown, GNP by Babalu now as he tries to pass guard. Elbows now by Babalu from half guard, the ref moves them to the center of ring with Sokoudjou on his back, Babalu moves into half guard again. More GNP by Babalu and he moves to north south position and gets the anaconda choke and Sokoudjou taps!
Paul Buentello vs. Kiril Sidelnikov via TKO - Doctors Stoppage RD. 3 (4:18)
Round 1:
Both fighters open with jabs, after a brief exchange they clinch against the ropes with Sidelnikov holding Buentello in the corner. They break and back to the center of the ring, again both fighters are exchanging and Buentello pushes Sidelnikov into the corner, Sidelnikov turns and puts Buentello into the corner, Sidelnikov lands a good combo. Buentello tries the LHK, they close in again and Buentello lands a right uppercut, both fighters are clinched in the corner again and Sidelnikov is bleeding from under his left eye. Buentello lands a couple of knees from the clinch as the round ends.
Round 2:
Buentello opens with more jabs and Sidelnikov is looking for an opening but he eats another jab from Buentello. Buentello continues to keep Sidelnikov at bay with the jabs, low kick by Sidelnikov and Buentello lands another right hand. Sidelnikov rushes in with a series of combos and stuns Buentello but Buentello recovers and holds Sidelnikov in the clinch, they break and Buentello lands a right - left combo and Sidelnikov shoots for a takedown and Buentello stuffs it and lands a left hook. More left jabs by Buentello and Sidelnikov's left eye is swelling, right hook by Buentello and the round ends.
Round 3:
More of the same from Buentello as he continues working the jabs, Sidelnikov tries to counter with low kicks. Buentello lands a big right uppercut, Sidelnikov with the body kick, more jabs from Buentello and Sidelnikov is having trouble finding the range to hit Buentello. From the clinch, Buentello defends a takedown attempt and they break back to the middle of the ring. Buentello lands another jab and the mouthpeice of Sidelnikov falls out...fight restarts, Buentello again with the left jabs and a combo, Sidelnikov spits out mouthpiece looking for a rest. BIG JOHN and the Doctor confer and the fight is stopped.......
Bobby Green vs. Dan Lauzon via Submission - RNC RD. 1 (4:55)
Round 1:
Green opens with strikes and Lauzon counters with his own combo, Flying knee by Green and they clinch against the ropes. Both fighters exchanging strikes, low blow by Green......fight resumes. Lauzon comes out with kicks and Green defends a takedown attempt and slams Lauzon for the takedown. Back up Green slips and Lauzon pulls guard, Green lets him up. Green with knees from the clinch and another low blow by Green.....fight restarts again. Left jab by Green, Lauzon claims another low blow on a low kick and Green gets 2 POINTS deducted. Lauzon looks Oscar worthy with this performance....Fight Restarts Again. Green pushes Lauzon into the corner and gets the takedown, GNP by Green and Lauzon is looking for a submission, Green escapes but Lauzon takes his back. Green taps!
Jay Heiron vs. Jason High via TKO - Strikes RD. 1 (1:04)
Antonio Nogueira vs. Vladimir Matyushenko via TKO - Strikes RD. 2 (4:26)
Bao Quach vs. LC Davis via (Unanimous Decision (29-28 all cards)
Albert Rios vs. Antonio Duarte via Unanimous Decision (29-28 all cards)
Brett Cooper vs. Patrick Speight via TKO - Strikes RD. 2 (4:10)
