Mass Effect

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Mass Effect

Postby broncofan » Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:25 pm

Let me know if any of these work!!

Mass Effect Glitches

Infinite Paragon + Achievement
When you reach the Hercules System in the Attican Beta Cluster you will receive a mission to recover a "lost data pad" from the planet Eletania. Once you have found the data pad on one of the roaming local species(called a "monkey" in the game) in the mine you will be awarded approximatly 6+ paragon, save the game immediately. Once done, load the saved game and you should be able to continue to click on this monkey infinite amounts of times... I ran up my Paragon to 450+ points and, of course, received the achievement
Infinite Renegade/Paragon
On the planet Noveria, head to the hotel bar and look for a Turian named Lorik Quinn. Accept his quest to steal the data from his office. Once you get the data, the receptionist will ask you to get Quinn to testify. Tell her you'll do it, and then go talk to Quinn. From here:
1) Tell Quinn that he should testify (top left option).

2) When he refuses, select the Charm option (top left) for Paragon points or the Intimidate (bottom left) for Renegade points and end the conversation.

3) Talk to him again, and ask about the Matriarch.

4) When he gets done talking about her, select the "Other questions" option (bottom right).

5) Now, you'll have the option to ask him to testify again (top left). He'll refuse, and you'll be able to use the Charm or Intimidate option again to gain another 24 Paragon or Renegade points.

Repeat steps 3-5 until you have all the Paragon or Renegade points you want.

Glitch: Use Mako on Therum Mini-Boss Fight
It is possible to take the Mako through the gap in between the two rocks, where you are supposed to get out and travel on foot. Drive in to the gap, then from inside the gap drive up the left rock, until you are completely on your side, wedged between both rocks. Slowly inch forward and use boosts to slide through the gap.
The geth and the walkers (the mini boss fight after the video) will not attack the Mako, and they die after only a couple of cannon shots.

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Postby keithlewis » Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:56 pm

Mass Effect (PC)

There are cheats for the PC version of Mass Effect, but in order to use them you must first do some document editing. Because of the fact that you have to edit an installed document, you are doing so at your own risk.

Head to the folder where the game is installed (which will end in BioWareMass Effect) and then go to Config. Open the file BIOInput as a text document. Then, find the line Engine.Console and, directly underneath it, create a new line that says ConsoleKey=Tilde (this is the best button choice to bring up the cheats console). Save your file thereafter. Once you play the game again, you can press the tilde (~) key to bring up the cheats console, where the cheats below can be inserted.

* fly - Gain the ability to fly
* giveall - Acquire all of the game’s gear, save armor
* giveallarmor - Acquire all of the game’s armor
* giveallbioamps - Acquire all of the game’s bio amps
* giveallomnitools - Acquire all of the game’s omni tools
* givetalentpoints X - Receive talent points where X equals the amount
* givexp X - Receive experience points where X equals the amount
* ghost - Allows you to walk through hard objects like walls
* setparagon X - Receive Paragon points where X equals the amount
* setrenegade X - Receive Renegade points where X equals the amount
* walk - Use this command to disengage fly


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Postby keithlewis » Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:58 pm

Infinite credits

The following trick only works between the two indicated vendors. You can usually buy items back from Expat at half the price you sold them to Dr. Michel for. First, successfully complete the side quest involving Dr. Michel (from the Med Clinic) and her blackmailer. After the quest is complete, you will get a discount from all the goods she sells. Start selling her all of your expensive equipment. Then, travel to the Wards Markets, and talk to the merchant named Expat. You can buy all of your items back for cheaper than you sold them for. Return to Dr. Michel, and sell her all of your items again. Repeat this process as many times as desired.

Infinite Paragon and Renegade points

On the Noveria planet, go to the hotel bar, and look for a Turian named Lorik Qui'in. Accept his quest to steal the data from his office. Once you get the data, the receptionist will ask you to get Qui'in to testify. Tell her you will do it, and then talk to Qui'in. Tell Qui'in that he should testify (top left option). When he refuses, select the Charm option (top left) for Paragon points or the Intimidate (bottom left) for Renegade points, and end the conversation. Talk to him again, and ask about the Matriarch. When he gets done talking about her, select the "Other questions" option (bottom right). You should now have the option to ask him to testify again (top left). He will refuse, and you will be able to use the Charm or Intimidate option again to gain another 24 Paragon or Renegade points. Repeat this process as many times as desired. You can also easily get the "Paragon" and "Renegade" achievements with the glitch.

Easy experience points

To gain extra experience from battles, make sure to get out of the Mako for the final hit. You can weaken the stronger enemies from inside the Mako and then get out to finish them off. You will only get 60% of the experience if you kill enemies with the Mako.

Easy Mako repairs

If your Mako is badly damaged and you do not want to or cannot spend Omni-gel to repair it, save your game, and reload it. Your Mako should now be totally repaired.

Weapon that does not overheat

Get a HMWA X assault rifle with Frictionless Materials, Combat Optics X, and Snowblind Rounds X as upgrades.

Saving weapon points

If you are a Soldier, level up weapons so you can use their bonuses and no further. For example, carnage is the shotgun's bonus. By doing this, you will have extra points for a desired weapon and points to level everything else completely out. You do not need the damage and accuracy bonus from the points because when you become a Spectre the best of every weapon becomes unlocked in the Normandy or at the C-SEC requisitions office.

Lethal sniping

Equip any good sniper rifle (powerful and accurate) with High Explosive Rounds (highest level preferably). This combination will kill nearly every normal enemy it directly hits, and severely damage enemies in their proximity, if not killing them as well. For fun, if you shoot at the enemy's feet or the ground he is standing directly on top of, he will jettison into the air. Note: High Explosive Rounds work best only with sniper rifles as they are meant to kill with one shot. If it is used with a pistol, assault rifle, or shotgun, the weapon will overheat in less than five shots (depending on the type of weapon), regardless of upgrades and decency of the gun. This will make yourself vulnerable to enemies.

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