Round 1
They come out, Tyson dancing around alot, Marcus throws a jab Tyson ducks and goes to the body and lands a nice jab.
A lot of dancing Tyson lands a good right hand, crowd starting to boo. Marcus dives in with a right hand and tyson just throws him down, Tyson starts training down some blows Marcus starts working a high guard.
Tyson trying to pull out but cant so tyson is sitting up, Marcus throws a armbar ! but Tyson pulls out and makes Marcus eat a few more shots, Marcus has a mouse under his right eye.
They stand back up and Tyson lands a nice inside leg kick then a jab hook counter, then a body shot and uppercut!
Huge leg kick from Tyson that buckles Marcus leg, Marcus shots in but gets stuffed as the round ends.
UFC 86 'Jackson vs. Griffin' *LIVE RESULTS & PBP*
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- NWOWolfpack
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Round 2
Marcus comes out and throws a jab Tyson lands a nice body punch then a one two jab hook counter, Tyson doing a great job changing levels, Tyson really working the body good, very nice right leg kick from Tyson!
Marcus throws some soft jabs but nothing really landing at all for him, Marcus lands a jab then shoots in Tyson stuffs him again and turns him and spins him into the cage.
Tyson working some knees to the leg against the cage, Marcus lands a nice knee to the body, both still working from the clinch, Tyson drops gets a leg and lands a nice slam!
Tyson lands in halfguard Marcus works a beautiful sweep, Marcus works to the back, Tyson rolls and gets back to Marcus guard! Marcus throws up a Triangle, Tyson pulls out and Marcus goes for a Omaplata but once again spins out and makes Marcus eat a few shots for trying.
Tyson lands a few shots as the round ends.
Marcus comes out and throws a jab Tyson lands a nice body punch then a one two jab hook counter, Tyson doing a great job changing levels, Tyson really working the body good, very nice right leg kick from Tyson!
Marcus throws some soft jabs but nothing really landing at all for him, Marcus lands a jab then shoots in Tyson stuffs him again and turns him and spins him into the cage.
Tyson working some knees to the leg against the cage, Marcus lands a nice knee to the body, both still working from the clinch, Tyson drops gets a leg and lands a nice slam!
Tyson lands in halfguard Marcus works a beautiful sweep, Marcus works to the back, Tyson rolls and gets back to Marcus guard! Marcus throws up a Triangle, Tyson pulls out and Marcus goes for a Omaplata but once again spins out and makes Marcus eat a few shots for trying.
Tyson lands a few shots as the round ends.
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Round 3
Tyson comes out moving around a lot, throws a nice leg kick that lands then a right hand, Marcus shoots in but doest get anything, they clinch up and Marcus lands a good knee to the chin!
They circle around some more, Tyson starting to really pick him apart with leg kicks, three jabs from tyson land then another leg kick. Tyson goes back to the body and lands a 1/2 combo, Marcus shoots in again but gets stuffed again.
Tyson really starting to pick him apart in all parts of the stand up game, Tyson is really landing pretty much anything he wants, right left combo from tyson then another big leg kick!
Marcus throws a highkick that has nothing on it, Tyson shoots in and scores a takedown with ease. Marcus works for an armbar but once again Tyson is able to get out of it, MArcus keeps throwing his legs up looking for an armbar, Tyson pulls out, Marcus moves and goes for a triangle but Tyson is having none of it, Marcus works his Highguard as the round ends!
Tyson comes out moving around a lot, throws a nice leg kick that lands then a right hand, Marcus shoots in but doest get anything, they clinch up and Marcus lands a good knee to the chin!
They circle around some more, Tyson starting to really pick him apart with leg kicks, three jabs from tyson land then another leg kick. Tyson goes back to the body and lands a 1/2 combo, Marcus shoots in again but gets stuffed again.
Tyson really starting to pick him apart in all parts of the stand up game, Tyson is really landing pretty much anything he wants, right left combo from tyson then another big leg kick!
Marcus throws a highkick that has nothing on it, Tyson shoots in and scores a takedown with ease. Marcus works for an armbar but once again Tyson is able to get out of it, MArcus keeps throwing his legs up looking for an armbar, Tyson pulls out, Marcus moves and goes for a triangle but Tyson is having none of it, Marcus works his Highguard as the round ends!
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- NWOWolfpack
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- NWOWolfpack
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Round 1
They come out and touch gloves, Chris comes out throwing a left hook, Chris goes for a 1 /2 hook combo then a highkick that is off. Inside leg kick from Chris then a nice body kick.
another inside leg kick from Chris then he loads up a right hand that is once again just alittle off, leg kick from Chris that is checked from Josh, left hand from Josh then a highkick attempt that is off, Josh slips but is off.
Josh shoots in ang gets a takedown but lands in a guillotine! Josh is able to get a arm in and gets out!, Josh is able to get to halfguard , he stands up lands two shots then goes right back to halfguard.
Chris is able to get back to guard, Chris moves to butterfly guard, Josh goes for a pass but Chris is able to roll and get back to butterfly guard Josh lands two big hammerfists as the round ends!
They come out and touch gloves, Chris comes out throwing a left hook, Chris goes for a 1 /2 hook combo then a highkick that is off. Inside leg kick from Chris then a nice body kick.
another inside leg kick from Chris then he loads up a right hand that is once again just alittle off, leg kick from Chris that is checked from Josh, left hand from Josh then a highkick attempt that is off, Josh slips but is off.
Josh shoots in ang gets a takedown but lands in a guillotine! Josh is able to get a arm in and gets out!, Josh is able to get to halfguard , he stands up lands two shots then goes right back to halfguard.
Chris is able to get back to guard, Chris moves to butterfly guard, Josh goes for a pass but Chris is able to roll and get back to butterfly guard Josh lands two big hammerfists as the round ends!
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