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Postby NWOWolfpack » Tue Oct 14, 2008 9:10 am


Date: November 1st, 2008
Place: Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Japan

**LIVE Results & Play by Play**

Lightweight GP Series 2008 Final Fight:

Kitaoka vs. Yokota via Unanimous Decision.

Round 1:
Saturo shoots and Yokota turns his back to defend...the ref restarts, Saturo shoots again and gets the takedown and back control. Standing is Yokota with Satoru on his back. They break and both fighters are looking for strikes and Saturo gets another takedwon. Yokota gets right back up, Saturo shoots again and is in rubber guard, now half guard, both fighters working their respective positions, peppering shots from the bottom by Yokota as the round ends.

Round 2:
Yokota with body kicks and Saturo shoots and gets another takedown. Yokota is on his back pinned in a corner and escapes a leg lock submission. Saturo shoots again but the ropes stop the takedown. Saturo with another takedown attempt and Yokota is warned for rope grabbing. Flying knee by Yokota, right hook by Yokota which puts Saturo down but he reverses and Saturo is in side control. GNP by Saturo and he is looking for submissions and a TKO as the round ends.

Round 3:
Saturo tries the takedown, Yokota blocks it and ends up in Saturo's guard. They both get to their feet and Saturo is attempting another takedown. Back to the center by refs orders and Saturo gets a takedown. Saturo maintains back control as Yokota stands. Ref stops it again, strike combo by Yokota. Saturo gets another takedown, and Yokota escapes again. Once again tonight Yokota uses his back defense and then comes out striking. Saturo lands a combo which knocks Yokota down and Yokota counters as the fight ends!

Middleweight GP Series 2008 Final Fight:

Nakamura vs. Santiago via TKO - Strikes Round 3 (0:56).

Round 1:
Santiago charges with strikes and Nakamura counters with low kicks. Both fighters looking for an advantage, Nakamura with the takedown and he is in side control. Santiago escapes and they are both standing, body kicks by Santiago and counter punches by Nakamura. Loq leg kicks by Santiago and counter punches by NAKAMURA, now both fighters exchange strikes as the round ends!

Round 2:
Nakamura jabbing to start, Santiago comes back with a nice combo, knee by Santiago and he cliches with Nakamura who lands a few knees against the ropes and gets another takedown. Santiago pulls full guard, Nakamura lands kicks with Santiago on the ground, full guard again. GNP by Nakamura, santiago having trouble getting off his back, more GNP for Nakamura.Nakamura lands 3 more strikes as we go to Round 3.

Round 3:
Body strikes by Nakamura, Santiago counters with strikes and lands a big combo which sends Nakamura to the ground. Santiago finishes Nakamura with GNP as the ref jumps in and stops the fight!

Lightweight Fight:

Takanori Gomi vs. Sergey Golyaev via Split Decision.

Round 1:
Both fighters begin the match dancing around without much action, left jab by Sergey, low kicks by Gomi, Sergey lands more left jabs and Gomi comes back with a combo. Both fighters exchanging strikes, Gomi rushes and gets the takedown. Working from Sergey's guard, Gomi stands and starts landing kicks. Gomi gets side control and then full mount after a kimura attempt. From the mount Gomi tries a arm bar as the round ends.

Round 2:
low kick by Gomi to open the round, Sergey continues with his left jab. knockdown by Gomi but Sergey gets back up. Gomi stalking the Russian now, low RK by Gomi, Sergey lands a left and Gomi is down, Sergey continues to punish Gomi but he recovers and is back on his feet. Sergey continues striking, left hook after left hook lands for Sergey, Gomi tries to counter with leg kicks and the round ends with both fighters looking to strike.

Round 3:
Sergey continues to jab with his left, Gomi shoots and gets the takedown. Sergey pulls guard, Gomi working GNP and short strikes, stands and keeps kicking the downed Sergey. Back standing, Gomi working the body now, Sergey with more jabs. Both fighters exchanging strikes now, more left jabs by Sergey and Gomi comes back with straight right leading combos. The last minute is filled with both fighters stepping in and throwing....

Light Heavyweight Fights:

King Mo vs. Fabio Silva via TKO - Strikes Round 3 (0:40).

Round 1:
Silva opens with a hard leg kick and Mo takes him down, GNP by Mo and he pulls Silva out from the ropes and lands a right to the head. Mo working from rubber guard and landing many strikes, back control now and Mo lands a couple of knees to Silva's head. Now in Silva's guard, Mo is relentless with the GNP, Silva is on his back in the corner of the ring. More strikes by Mo, Silva can't get off his back and is taken big punches. Silva is able to stand but is taken right back down by Mo.

Round 2:
Silva with a low kick and Mo takes him down again, working from full guard, GNP by Mo. Mo maintains ground control, now in half guard, Silva gives up his back, Mo takes side control and lands several knees to the side and head of Silva. Silva is able to get back to his feet but is taken right back down. Mo again from full guard and throwing downward bombs. The round ends with more of the same.

Round 3:
Mo lands a couple of lefts and gets another takedown where he finishes the fight with strikes.

**INTERMISSION** - Kazuo Misaki and Hideki Yoshida talking to the crowd about 2009!

Antonio Rogerio Nogueira vs. Moise Rimbon via Unanimous Decision.

Round 1:
Rimbon with aright high kick and Nog lands a left hook which knocks Rimbon back, both fighters looking to land kicks, niether doing much, Nog lands a left jab. Right low kick by Nog, both exchange right jabs, Rimbon shoots..kinda of and gets taken down by Nog, working from Rimbon's guard, Nog landing GNP, more strikes and the round ends.

Round 2:
....delayed sorry....Nog throwing right jabs at will and he follows up with a combo that nearly puts Rimbon on the ground. Right low kick followed by a left hook by Nog, now the takedown for Nog and he is in half guard, GNP by Nog. Rimbon rolls looking to secure Nog's arm, Nog pulls his arm out and ends the round with more GNP.

Round 3:
Rimbon tries with the low kicks again, Nog continues to stalk him and after a combo and clinch gets the takedown. Rimbon eventually rolls and is trying the arm again, ref breaks them up and they are standing again. Nog gets the takedown but Rimbon gets right back up and lands aright hook as Nog gets to his feet. Both fighters exchanging strikes and Rimbon gets the takedown but Nog pulls a guillotine. Rimbon trying to last the final minute and he escapes. Back standing now, Rimbon shoots, Nog stuffs the takedown and starts unloading as the round ends with muay thai knees and strikes.

Lightweight GP Series 2008 Reserve Fight:

Bang Seung Hwan vs. Jorge Masvidal via Unanimous Decision.

Middleweight GP Series 2008 Reserve Fight:

Joe Doerksen vs. Izuru Takeuchi via TKO - Strikes Round 3 (4:13).

Lightweight GP Series 2008 Semifinal Fights:

Satoru Kitaoka vs. Eiji Mitsuoka via Submission - Heelhook Round 1 (1:17).

Round 1:
Satoru shoots, gets the takewown and works from side control. Leg lock attempt and he sinks in the heelhook. Fight over!

Mizuto Hirota vs. Kazunori Yokota via Unanimous Decision.

Round 1:
Both fighters come out swinging, Hirota lands a combo and Yokota comes back with low leg kicks, left hook by Yokota puts Hirota down briefly but he is right back up and takes another combo from Yokota. Hirota rushes and pushes Yokota to the ropes and is in standing back control. Reversal by by Yokota and he gets the head-arm takedown. Hirota jumps back up, left hook by Hirota, who is bleeding from his right eye. Clinch now again against the ropes, Yokota misses a throw as the round ends.

Round 2:

Yokota trying low kicks but Hirota charges and clinches, Yokota holds him in the corner and peppers with knees, the ref puts them back in the center. Yokota taunting and striking, low knee to the balls by Hirota....the fight resumes, Yokota with the takedown and he works from Hirota's guard. Yokota stands up and lands a down kick, both fighters back up now. More clinching against the ropes with Hirota holding Yokota in the corner, the ref moves them out. After a clinch, Hirota gets standing back control and lands several knees.

Round 3:
Final Round...Yokota comes out striking, now Hirota with a combo the takedown. Working from the guard but Yokota escpaes and they are back standing. Knees from the clinch by Yokota, both fighters circling and landing jabs, Yokota with another throw try but Hirota holds up and lands more knees from the back of Yokota standing. Low right kick by Hirota answered by a low kick from Yokota. Yokota with the takedown now and he works from the full guard, reverse by Hirota and he stands up and throws down as Yokota is on the ground.

Middleweight GP Series 2008 Semifinal Fights:

Kazuhiro Nakamura vs. Yuki Sasaki via Unanimous Decision.

Round 1:
Flying knee by Nakamura, clinch now against the ropes, ref pulls them apart. Left body kick by Sasaki, Nakamura trowing combos and clinches Sasaki against the ropes again. Nakamura with a left-right-left combo, another flying knee by Nakamura and they clinch again, Sasaki with a wizzer try. Back to the center of the ring again, RHK by Sasaki, left low kick by Nakamura and Sasaki counters with a right hook.

Round 2:
Nakamura the aggressor agin as he pushes the pace with his strikes, Nakamura with the takedown but he is unable to pass and is in Sasaki's guard. Some positioning and GNP as the round ends.

Round 3:
More Standing and striking by both fighters, Sasaki now pushing the pace and he clinches Nakamura against the ropes. Nakamura with the takedown, working from Sasaki's guard again and landing some GNP, ref moves them to the middle of the ring. not much action....Nakamura stands and throws down a couple of rights as the fight ends. Sasaki bleeding from the mouth.

Jorge Santiago vs. Siyar Bahadurzada via Submission - Heelhook Round 1 (1:10).

Round 1:
Siyar gets the takedown and is reversed by Santiago, Santiago with back control standing, Santiago takes Siyar down and locks in the heel hook. Siyar taps and the fight is over!

Last edited by NWOWolfpack on Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby broncofan » Tue Oct 14, 2008 11:56 pm

if Barnett and Randleman both fight then the card is can't miss!!

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Postby ArmyofDarkness » Fri Oct 17, 2008 7:56 pm


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Postby keithlewis » Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:26 pm

Final Card set for Saturday!

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Postby ArmyofDarkness » Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:35 pm


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Postby NWOWolfpack » Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:39 am

Weigh-In Results!

Takanori Gomi (69.9kg) vs. Sergey Golyaev (69.9kg)
King Mo (92.8kg) vs. Fabio Silva (92.8kg)
Antonio Rogerio Nogueira (92.9kg) vs. Moise Rimbon (92.9kg)
Bang Seung Hwan (69.9kg) vs. Jorge Masvidal (69.9kg)
Joe Doerksen (82.7kg) vs. Izuru Takeuchi (82.9kg)

Satoru Kitaoka (70.0kg) vs. Eiji Mitsuoka (69.9kg)
Mizuto Hirota (70.0kg) vs. Kazunori Yokota (69.9kg)
Kazuhiro Nakamura (83.0kg) vs. Yuki Sasaki (82.8kg)
Jorge Santiago (81.9kg) vs. Siyar Bahadurzada (83.0kg)





What do you expect? The comedian is dead.


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Postby ArmyofDarkness » Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:08 pm


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Postby broncofan » Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:39 pm

20 more minutes

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